Lesson Learnt
There is one lesson I believe is very important to teach my children and that is the importance of seeing something through to the end. When the Butterfly asks to do something that will take time and dedication I always make a point of telling her she has to finish what she begins. I do not believe that she will learn anything if she does not follow through to the end. Which is not to say she doesn’t try to get out of things, like mopping the kitchen floor, once she starts and realises it’s a lot harder than it looks. When she was little, I was happy to help her finish, but now with her at school whatever she starts she has no choice but to finish on her own. Last cricket season the Butterfly was very eager to play cricket but half way through the season she began to make noises about not playing. Now as much as I would have been very happy to have my Saturday mornings back I dug in my heels and told her she had to see the season through. My main point was...