I Will Commemorate…

In the October of 1943, in a sleepy South African capital a young newlywed woman anticipates the birth of her first child. Her husband was somewhere on the front fighting a war that perhaps he did not truly understand, but he obeyed the orders and perhaps killed someone who, in another time, he may have called friend. One hundred kilometres away in a bustling coastal South African city another young newlywed woman awaits the birth of her first child. Her husband, injured during the battle of El Alemein in 1942, made it home in the February of 1943 for their wedding, only to leave to fight again. But in the October of 1943 as these mothers awaited the birth of their first child, what was it that they were thinking? While German torpedo boats sink British destroyers off the North coast of Brittany, did they pray for those drowned sailors? Were they aware that British Troops replaced striking London dockworkers, did it matter to them? Did they feel some emotion when they learn...