Looking Forward

So I’m sitting here at home on a lovely warm autumn afternoon, Carter’s Window is crooning through the Mauritian’s custom  built loud speakers and I’m thinking life just doesn’t get any better than this!
We’re home from a busy, tiring, extremely sweaty and sometime stressful six-week tropical holiday. Our Little Lollipop is no longer a baby; she’s a walking talking screaming bundle of character and personality. The Butterfly is a smiling, intelligent if sometimes insolent growing child seemingly unfazed by life. The Mauritian is tearing along at his place of employment alternately loving and hating it but giving it all he’s got regardless. He’s home on the weekends and our time is our own and the girls demand every spare moment he has. Me, I couldn’t be more content, our struggles to settle into life at World’s End and to make a place for us is over. I no longer worry about the Butterfly fitting in or if we’ll be warm enough this winter. In fact things seems so right at the moment that I haven’t put pen to paper, or fingers to keyboard rather since coming home, I haven’t needed to. That’s a good feeling!
So this is the first blog of the year and it’s just about April already, never mind I'll find a way to make up for the lack thereof I'm sure. Autumn is supposed to be here but the summer is clinging on vengefully and will not be persuaded to head north. Autumn it seems is only allowed in for a few hours after dark.  The long winter nights are beginning but we are still staggering about in the dark in our summer pjs. The best part about this year is that actually I have no stories to tell, no events to look forward to or work towards and as of yet no "light bulb" moments. I have managed to turn forty with a minimum of fuss, an awesome if a tad early birthday party and an “eReader” that I am exceptionally pleased with. We have made some new friends and once again, our weekends are busy and memorable. But I am still well on my way to having a year of just being; no major changes or situations that need attending are looming on the horizon of time. This year it’s all about the mundane. This year it’s all about the reply “Nothing much” to the question of “What are you doing...?”  Guess what, I'm actually enjoying it so far. Will it remain this way? Who knows? For now, I am quite happy with things the way they are.
However, next year is shaping up to be a busy one with lots of excitement in the mix.
Not too long ago that marvellous invention called SKYPE rang and I was talking to my wondering cousin from “Africa2Anywhere” who will be heading down to the end of the world and spending Christmas with us. I am so looking forward to seeing “Tin Bum” and “Teeny” and hearing their stories about their travels and experiences. But I think the prospect of again spending Christmas with family is what I am most looking forward too, even though it’s just a small part of a large family.  
About four days into the Mauritian part of our tropical holiday, my baby brother and my favourite Eeyore finally announced their engagement. I was so excited I didn’t think to ask why they waited until we’d left to make the announcement.  So began the discussions between the Mauritian and me about how we were going to save the money required to send us all back to South Africa for a wedding. Fortunately, a wedding date was set early so we have been able to make definite plans for our next holiday before even arriving home from our first holiday. Unfortunately, finances, employment and education have dictated that it will only be me going home next year; the Mauritian and the girls will be staying at world’s end to carry on as normal. I’ll confess I’m rather looking forward to travelling alone. I can hear it now, the sharp intake of breath and the look of horror on some faces. Doesn’t change a thing though, after the stress of getting two adults, a child and an infant through an airport thirteen times, a hotel twice, two flight delays, two extended stop over’s, issues with the infant ticket twice, over weight baggage for one domestic flight, two airport shuttle trips and two missing pieces of luggage travelling on my own sounds like heaven.

Then there is my eldest niece who is working towards a holiday at World’s end during her summer break next year. Why she would want to swop a northern winter for a southern one when she’s on a summer break may sound odd but I don’t care at least she’s coming to visit.
I shall digress here a moment if you will so indulge me and address my beautiful niece directly:    Now not only is it on Facebook but I have also stated it worldwide on my public blog! You have no choice now niece of mine you have to visit! (Insert smiley face)
I’m sure she knows I love her.
And now back to my ramblings!
That takes care of the first half of next year I wonder what else the fates have in store for us next year. Now, that thought brings me rudely back to the present and the realisation that even though I have been blessed with a year of calm rambling there are those around me in turmoil. I now realise that I have just one thing I really need to do this year, support a friend who is in the process of changing their circumstances and starting their life over. I’ll admit I am honoured to be one of the two people who are aware of our friend’s life changing decisions. But watching my friend struggle to get things into place in order to move on and forward is hard. There is little I can do but support the decisions, play “devil’s advocate” and try not say anything on Facebook that will give the game away. I’m not a very good secret keeper; thank goodness, I was allowed to tell the Mauritian!  I glad I am able to be there as support it gives me something to obsess over.                                                      When I sign off from most of my emails, messages and I think even some of my previous blogs, I say “Love, light and happiness!” Love because everyone deserves to be and to give love in return, love in all its forms is a basic human need. Light to illuminate this darkness we call life, even just a suggestion of positive light turns the shadows of negativity into a familiar shape. Happiness because it is something we all strive for and perhaps we need to be reminded sometimes that its right there in front of us we just have to reach out and take hold of it. At this point in my life, I feel only contentment and peace, my heartaches as I watch a good friend struggle against what must feel like indomitable hurdles and yet I know patience and perseverance is the key. I cannot provide either of these virtues nor can I fix the problems my friend must face. I do not like the fact that at times like these words completely escape me. Saying things like “Stay positive” or “Hang in there” and “Keep at it,” sound hollow they have been said too many times. Yet at times like these, what can I say that will have any meaning or encouragement? The truth is my friend has to go through the process alone all I can do is check in with them regularly, try to make light of a bad situation. All I can be is a sympathetic ear or someone who may see things from a different perspective. All I can be is a positive friend bringing only love, light and happiness where and when it’s needed.
I shall do this because I am truly grateful for this year to just be, and for the memories that are waiting to be made in 2014.





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