Smiley Faces 2014
Well would you look at that 2013 has come to a close all of
a sardine like! Bang! So begins a new year.
As I look back and reflect on the year that was it is
apparent that it truly was my year to "just be." My time this year
has gone into routines and day-to-day chores. No extras, nothing special and no
reflections to blog about. I actually managed to achieve nothing, which, when
you think about it, means I achieved exactly what I set out to achieve! 2013
was my year to float and I did it with aplomb!
On reflection I believe I did myself a favour because I am
really looking forward to the New Year and am ready to face any challenge and
to challenge myself, I have a long list of goals to squash into the next three
hundred and sixty four and a quarter days! I am gonna take this bull by the
horns and throw it out the window of the china shop! 2014 is going to be our
positive year, I am going to spend the New Year looking only at the positive
with the help from an awesome idea I found on the ever-present “Facebook.” As I
type this instead of making dinner, my girls are drawing, or scribbling, bright
happy pictures to stick onto an ice-cream box. This box will be our positive
box and we as a family will, at the end of each day write down all the
positives from our day and put them in the box. Then at the end of 2014, we
will open it and read about what an awesome year we had. Now ain't that
something to look forward to?
Today, yet again on “Facebook” a friend shared an
inspirational moment at the end he wrote: “Rise above it, your energy is better
spent on the good things in your life!” I am taking that with me into 2014
because, well, because there will be many small things and even people we all
need to rise above in order to move forward. This year I only intend to move
forward, I refuse to look back and indulge in the “if only” game, I shall
remain in the now and deal with things as they are not as I wish they were.
I think the reason I am so amped for this New Year and the
way I want to approach it is because of the way the Mauritian has responded to
my ideas. This past year has been a hard one for him at work, even taking into
account his ability to dramatise and exaggerate he has not had a positive year
at all. As a result, he is determined that things will be different this year
and he has been spending these past few days on leave planning how to achieve
that. So when I suggested the “positive box” he was more than agreeable to the
idea. This along with a number of other plans or resolutions we have agreed to
has filled us both with a lot of enthusiasm for the New Year. In all our years
together this is the first time we have combined our goals and agreed on a way
to achieve them together.
So in all I am leaving 2013 behind with no regrets taking
only the happy memories with me. I shall be surging forward towards fresh new
positive goals. This year will be a year of smiles!
So to all of you out there here’s wishing you all a happy,
positive and smiling 2014!
Amour, la lumière et le bonheur.
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