It's a Question of Faith

So the morning of the last Saturday of the month’s rolls around, the Mauritian is off at gym working the past week out of his system and the butterfly is charging about the house naked when there is the expected knock at the door. It is time for the monthly visit from the local Jehovah’s Witness who goes by the name of Jeff. Jeff is a “landscaper” by trade, an intelligent man with an open and honest face and a friendly and respectful manner. He is also a lapsed Catholic who has dedicated himself to the “Jehovah's Witness” sect and it determined to convert me. I admire his determination, his debating skills and his knowledge of the bible and look forward to a debate I can sink my teeth into for half an hour once a month. I started out just listening to what he had to say as I had absolutely no knowledge of what a “JW” believes or does not, I even started reading the little pamphlets they give out. Then I started to compare the bible quotes in these pamphlets to that of my own bible and noted some rather large discrepancies, so I started to ask questions and the debating began.

I respect that Jeff has found a purpose and fulfilment within the Witness family and will never question his choice but I will not stand by and be judged for willingly being a Catholic. I admire Jeff’s knowledge of the bible and accept the interpretation, but I will not abide being told that what I believe is wrong! Jeff’s understanding of the bible and the convincing way he explains the “JW” interpretation of the lessons therein is impressive, but try as he might he won’t convert me. This does not deter him at all, one Saturday a month he is at my front door armed with a bible passage, an interpretation and a determination to win me over. I have too much admiration and respect for him to simply turn him away without hearing what he has to say and I enjoy a good debate too much to let an opportunity such as this pass me by.

I don’t know anyone who does not complain about the “JW’s” that seem to go around knocking on doors subjecting everyone to their religion. Yet I have heard these people being sworn at and seen them back at the same door the next week trying again. These people endure horrid weather conditions and hostile people every week because they believe they are doing the right thing. They believe it is their duty to take God’s message to all people. They believe that as Jehovah’s Witnesses they must bear witness to Jehovah and they go out day after day against all odds and adversity to carry out and fulfil their belief and duty. Could you do that? I am unashamedly Catholic and believe as the “JW’s” do, that we are called by Christ to witness to Him and bring those people that have “lost their way” back to Him, but I could never do as they do. Now don’t get me wrong I admire them for their courage but never really gave them a chance until one cold wet winter Saturday morning last year when Jeff knocked on our door. I never gave them a chance because my first encounter with a “JW” was a very negative one and as I was a naive and arrogant teenager I decided that avoiding these pushy non Catholics was better than being subjected to their warped belief structure. Let me tell you about this first encounter and testify to my arrogance. She was a teacher at my Catholic school and I disliked her instantly. She was brash and loud with jet black hair, the perfect physique and finger nails resembling talons. She never missed an opportunity to talk about her beliefs and for some reason she seemed to single me out every time and tried to get me talking about it. I never understood why, but in hindsight perhaps it was because I would immediately drop my head and avoid eye contact when she began her “witnessing.” I have a very expressive face and I am sure my facial expressions and body language screamed out the hostility and dislike I felt louder then if I had actually said it. Then one day she again singled me out and after weeks of thought and talking to myself I responded saying that I was comfortable and fulfilled in my religion as she made it known she was in hers. I said that I would never question her belief but neither would I show an interest. She was very quick to come back at me with a quote from the bible, making a point to state which Gospel it came from and the chapter and verse as well. I have never been able to recall the quote or where it is in the bible but I do remember it being about our responsibility as Christ’s followers to “bare witness” and “spread the Gospel.” I was, at this point, “saved by the bell” but could not resist a passing shot as I walked out the classroom. I turned back to her desk and said “I can’t tell you exactly where it is in the bible, neither can I quote it word for word but I know it’s there because it was one of the readings at mass on Sunday. Christ also said “Do not be like the hypocrites and stand on the street corners shouting your prayers, I tell you solemnly they have had their reward. But rather when you pray go to your room lock your doors and shut your windows and the Lord who see’s that which is done in secret shall reward you!” and off I strutted. Take that you pushy non catholic! Arrogant teenager 1, irritating teacher Zero! I never went to another one of her classes again and she never came looking for me. But, neither did I give another “Witness” a chance until I was not only wet, cold and yearning for the African sunshine but also older, wiser and lacking in youthful arrogance. I still find the interpretations misleading and confusing, but at least I now understand what they believe, I think.

I believe that we all worship the same God; He just goes by many different names. I believe that all the holy books of each religion teaches one how to live a good life with strong values and morals, it is merely our interpretations of these lessons that differ. I believe that to unite as one people under one God we must learn to tolerate and accept the differences and diversities of those that surround us. I don’t care what you believe or why I only care that your belief keeps you true to yourself and gives you inner peace.

It matters not how you worship, it matters only that you worship!


  1. Very intresting read Manth. As a christian I don't agree that we all worship the same God and that he goes by differant names.
    I love that fact that you have an opinion and can put it out there :-)

  2. You have to agree though that it would make an interesting dinner conversation... as long as there is wine and humour presant too


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